Earn up to 14% gross yield and $202,111 gross p.a.

with a high yield, socially impactful SDA property investment. 

For our FREE SDA Smart Homes Investor Guide ENQUIRE NOW.

Invest in SDA with confidence.

Use our knowledge and experience for your SDA investment. From sourcing the land to delivering an SDA compliant home through to finding tenants and managing the property - we do all the hard work for you. 

Since 2019 we've successfully delivered more than 90 certified NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) homes, assisting more than 250 people living with disability find a new, accessible place to call home. 

How our unique, complete end-to-end solution works.

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Sourcing Land

If you already have land, our team will determine whether it's suitable for SDA.

If you don't have land, we'll find the right block for you. Our dedicated Land Acquisitions Manager uses NDIS demand data, industry knowledge and feedback from our tenanting division to source land in locations that are sought after by participants.

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House Design

Once we have the land for your new SDA home, we'll package it with one of our SDA Smart Homes designs.

Our homes are all built to the highest SDA Design Standard being Platinum Level for High Physical Support participants. They are either 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom homes with a carers room or 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom homes with a carers room. 

house under construction

Managing Construction

When you’ve chosen your house and land package and have finance in place, we’ll engage the builder and manage the build process for you.

We work with a panel of builders who are experienced in delivering high quality SDA homes. We've worked closely with them to ensure they understand the intricacies of SDA and what's required to ensure a compliant build. 

man in wheelchair

SDA Certification and Enrolment

All SDA homes must be enroled with the NDIS in order for SDA payments to be claimed for tenants. To be enroled, a home must have SDA design standard certification from an accredited third party SDA assessor.

The SDA Design Standard outlines the detailed design requirements for newly built SDA properties seeking enrolment under the NDIS.

Once your home is complete, we engage the assessor and ensure your home is certified and enroled with the NDIS. 

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Tenanting Your Home

Prior to completion, our in-house team at The Disability Housing Centre will start seeking eligible NDIS participants for your home. We often have waiting lists for popular areas and tenants ready to move in on the home’s completion.

Once the home is complete, we'll arrange home viewings as required and work with SILs (Supported Independent Living) providers to help match tenants and ensure the smooth transition of tenants into your home. 

accessibility hands

Managing Your Property

We’ll look after the ongoing management of your property doing all the paperwork required for new tenants and looking after the leasing arrangements for SILs.

We'll also ensure your home is well maintained, that the home is regularly inspected and any maintenance issues addressed. 

As a registered NDIS Provider we’ll collect participants' NDIS SDA funding on your behalf and disperse payments and your rental income to you.

Want to understand more about SDA?

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is housing designed especially for people living with disability, in particular with extreme functional impairment or very high care needs.


What is the demand for SDA?
It’s estimated that more than 36,000 people will require Specialist Disability Accommodation by 2042 (NDIS Demand Projections Report September 2023).
Why is the income so high?
Due to the growing demand for SDA, the Australian Government is encouraging private investment in disability housing by providing funding to participants through the NDIS. For homes that meet the NDIS SDA Design Standard and are enrolled with the NDIS, this funding is then passed on to property owners as rental income. Delivering certified SDA homes is our area of expertise.
How much does it cost to invest?
SDA Smart Homes house and land package start at $1.3m as a guide. SMSF investment options are available.
How do you decide where to build your SDA homes?
We use industry knowledge and NDIS SDA demand data to determine where the best locations are to build SDA Smart Homes. We also draw use valuable tenant and SILs (Supported Independent Living providers) through our in-house tenanting division.

What our investors say:

"We're extremely happy with our new home and how it will change the lives of those with a disability. We cannot wait to do our next one in the new year. Thank you to your team for holding our hands the whole way through the process. 

– JB, SDA Investor

How we calculate income and yield

*14.75% gross yield is based on a home in Brisbane South with an income of $202,111 per annum ($3,886 per week) and a $1,370,000 package as with 1 High Physical Support + 1 Fully Accessible + 1 Improved Liveability funded SDA tenants.

Income may vary depending on region, number of tenants, and tenant funding levels. Rental income is calculated from NDIS SDA Price Calculator 2024/25 New Builds issued July 24.

General Advice Warning – Any advice and information on this website is general only, and has been prepared without taking into account your particular circumstances and needs. Before acting on any advice on this website you should assess or seek advice on whether it is appropriate for your needs, financial situation and investment objectives.

Accuracy & Reliability of Information – Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, SDA Smart Homes and Property Direct Pty Ltd , its officers, employees and agents disclaim all liability (except for any liability which by law cannot be excluded), for any error, inaccuracy in, or omission from the information contained in this publication or any loss or damage suffered by any person directly or indirectly through relying on this information. All information is correct at the time of publication but subject to change without notice.

Property Direct Pty Ltd is the Exclusive Selling agent for SDA Smart Homes - Real Estate Licence #2102556.
